Monday, 17 October 2011

Up-grading my Computer System to i7 2600k

Just upgrade my computer system, ...
i7 2600k 3.4ghz /16MB... with USB 3.0 support...
Very fast compare to my old system, 
need to work hard to recover the money spent...

Friday, 30 September 2011

Digital photography : BIRD

The insect can't be found, because the BIRD is on the way out!
Too many things to do, so little time left! Need to work faster, 
December holiday is coming...

Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Christmas eBook department is Ready!

Out of all my eBook department, the first to complete is,....
The Christmas eBook Department!!!

Total eBook in Store = 713.

Saturday, 23 July 2011

Found My past Work during packing!

Here's my 11th book for 2011, Twinkie Artcat Sketch Book 1.
I drew this quit a number of years ago. It has been hiding in my storeroom with all my comics. Recently, i run out of space for my book. When i was clearing  my storeroom for spaces, a lot of books that i draw long long time ago pop out! This is one of it.

Wednesday, 6 July 2011

My room!

This is my room!
My parent are moving to stay with my brother, so i bring back all my book,..
This is my room, full of book and no place to put.
 Just like my life.

To throw away something is always easy, to get it back is hard.

So i tried to keep whatever i have.

When you have too many thing in your life, it's difficult to carry them with you all the time, so i leave them with my parents. And now, all of them come back to me!

I miss them, but i realized that i need to throw away most of them too!
